

Smart and innovative

With the ILLUNOX® stainless steel banister and stainless steel balustrade with LED lighting, the company responds to the trend of creating architectural light lines in and around buildings and homes.

Thanks to the smart design, energy-efficient light lines can be used with the ILLUNOX® handrails and fencing and can be tailored to any situation. Depending on the situation, you can choose a specific ILLUNOX® solution: as a balustrade or banister for an indoor or outdoor application. Choose from the balustrade and banister shapes and the colour and strength of the LED lighting.

With an ILLUNOX® handrail you create a lot of added value for your project!

Tailor-made for you!

Whether you are an architect, project developer, contractor, construction company, metalworking company or private individual: the banisters or from ILLUNOX® are supplied in individual parts, as a custom-made kit or as a ready-to-use product.

The ILLUNOX® products are suitable for both new construction and renovation. In the Netherlands and Belgium, we can also completely unburden you by carrying out the measurement and assembly on location. Of course with our specialized professionals.

Feel free to contact us for advice or a tailor-made offer!


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